I used to be golden
I used to be untouchable
I used to be everyone’s favorite
I used to be
“a very nice young lady”
Parents loved me
Teachers loved me
Bosses loved me
Then I came out
Now I’m complicated
Now I’m confusing
Now I’m incomprehensible
I’m an alien from a different planet
I’m not loved anymore
I’m avoided
I’m shunned
I’m disturbed
a leper
That’s how they treat me
I can hear your verbal circles talking around my name and pronouns
“I love you no matter what you are” is not
“I love you because of who you are”
But I haven’t changed
I’m the same person I’ve always been
I just love myself more than I did before I came out and told the world who I am
I’m the same so if you ever loved or liked me before I came out but not after that makes you a bigot and I’m glad I found out before I gave any more of myself to you